個資撕破臉:臉書用戶大頭照 擬進系統資料庫

作者: 本報訊 | 台灣立報 – 2013年9月5日 上午12:08









▲德國柏林一幅繪有臉書創辦人祖克柏和著名小說《1984》的塗鴉創作,圖攝於2012年6月3日。(圖/Victorgrigas攝 來源/維基共享資源)


保護隱私 需使用者授權同意








提供情資 網路公司多配合









Facebook Inc is considering incorporating most of its 1 billion-plus members\’ profile photos into its growing facial recognition(1) database, expanding the scope of the social network\’s controversial technology.

The possible move, which Facebook revealed in an update to its data use policy on Thursday, is intended to improve the performance of its “Tag Suggest” feature. The feature uses facial recognition technology to speed up the process of labeling or “tagging” friends and acquaintances who appear in photos posted on the network.

The technology currently automatically identifies faces in newly uploaded photos by comparing them only to previous snapshots in which users were tagged. Facebook users can choose to remove tags identifying them in photos posted by others on the site.

Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Erin Egan said that adding members\’ public profile photos would give users better control over their personal information, by making it easier to identify posted photos in which they appear.

“Our goal is to facilitate tagging so that people know when there are photos of them on our service,” Egan said.

She stressed that Facebook users uncomfortable with facial recognition technology will still be able to “opt out(2)” of the Tag Suggest feature altogether, in which case the person\’s public profile photo would not be included in the facial recognition database.

Facial recognition technology has been a sensitive issue for technology companies, raising concerns among some privacy advocates and government officials. Tag Suggest, which the company introduced in 2011, is not available in Europe due to concerns raised by regulators there.

Google\’s social network, Google+, also employs similar technology, but requires user consent. And it has banned third-party software makers from using facial recognition technology in apps designed for its Glass wearable computer.

Egan said Facebook was not currently using facial recognition technology for any other features, but that could change. “Can I say that we will never use facial recognition technology for any other purposes? Absolutely not,” Egan said. But, she noted, “if we decided to use it in different ways we will continue to provide people transparency about that and we will continue to provide control.”

The changes would come at a time when Facebook and other Internet companies\’ privacy practices are under scrutiny(3), following the revelations of a U.S. government electronic surveillance(4) program.

Facebook, Google Inc and other companies have insisted that they have never participated in any program giving the government direct access to their computer servers and that they only provide information in response to specific requests, after careful review and as required by law.

The “Global Government Requests Report” follows allegations by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden that practically every major Internet company – including Facebook, Google Inc and Microsoft Corp – routinely hands over troves of data on potentially millions of users to national intelligence agencies.

Governments sought information on over 38,000 Facebook users in the first half of 2013 and Facebook complied(5) with most requests, the firm said in its report.

U.S. law enforcement authorities were by far the most active in mining Facebook, seeking information on about 20,000 to 21,000 users between January and June. That represents a slight rise from the six months between June and December 2012, when U.S. agencies requested information on roughly 18,000 to 19,000 Facebook accounts, according to figures released by the company.

Facebook has at least partially complied to about 80 percent of those requests, the company acknowledged on Tuesday.

Facebook said it would begin to publish information on data requests on a regular basis. Google and Twitter, among other companies, have periodically released similar information for several years.(Reuters)


1.recognition (n.)辨識

2.opt out(v.)選擇退出



